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Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:10 am
by keavin
well we'll see ,baseball season is getting underway & the NBA play offs are around the corner.

Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:13 pm
by bcddjjsc690
Moving Violation or Death , ... index.html - What are you running for ?'


Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:21 am
by hellifiknow

the states news channel was showing live updates of that guy stuck in the mud...he looked miserable, didn't look like he was wearing a shirt and was about waist deep in the mud, he looked like one of those guys who would try and out run the law or streak through the mud at a tractor pull for the fun of it.

that lady who fed her kid poison for the ants reminded me of this patient who got a staph infection after surgery, her grandma made the doctor explain to her what a staph infecion was, he told the lady it came from the natural bacteria on the skin getting into the surgical site (conveniently leaving out how that probably happened) and this old woman decided that a good hosing down with lysol would fix her right up.

Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:42 am
by tamra

OMFG :lol: :lol: :lol: just when you think you've seen it all. I love the Wells Fargo/Bank of America robbery attempt :lol: but this Ann Arbor Burger King one was hysterical! :lol:

Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:43 am
by bcddjjsc690
I almost died like that myself when I was 9 , I used to live near a gravel pit , and we kids played there in the afternoon after they went home at 5pm ,
One spring after many days of rain , my friend Mike ,his lil brother , and I were down there and I got stuck in some mud , at first I just played around ,pulling one foot out as the other sank, when it got up to my knees it wasn't funny anymore and I asked them to pull me out,
Mike {13} grabbed a hold of me at that point and tried to pull me out, but the suction from the mud and water had me , and I continued to go down, After it got to my waist I started to panic ,I was screaming for help , we all were.
Mike was getting tired , but He promised not to let go of me,and he never did ,not till I was out. I had sank up to armpits before he was able to break the suction and pull me out , talk about screaming, you could have heard me in the next county.But unlike the guy in the story , I wasn't running from the police,I was just trespassing. :)

Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:04 am
by hellifiknow

I got mine in a marshy place that had froze over, it was a great place to slide on the ice until I got out to far, like you said it quits being funny about the keep waiting for your feet to hit something solid but it don't happen. my cousins always used me for the test dummy...see if the ice would support someone, if the hole was deep enough, if bread sack parachutes worked. :lol:

running from the police was most of the guys problem, I'm pretty sure if he had been running from a dog or something they would have got his poor ass a blanket.

Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:13 pm
by hellifiknow

see that, she's happy yoooouuuu got out...nobody cares about the retar...I mean adopted kid. just like my cousins who didn't lift a finger to get me out I might add. ;) :lol:

ever read The Dead Zone? Stephen King gives a pretty bad ass description of somebody dying in quicksand. But I have had beach sand between the geezer that like to killed me. ;p

Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:44 am
by bcddjjsc690
This is a case of addiction, and may not fit the title as dumb, This man has problem that is unmeasureable.
Almost ten years to the day , he pitched a no hitter with the Yankees (May 14th 1996) , accomplishing that baseball feat ,with that baseball team , is means of income for the rest of your life as an athlete, all you have to do is stay out of trouble , and he could sign baseballs for a living .Making a living just being yourself, apperances,etc.
What a shame, what a waste ,...b.b - Dwight "Doc" Gooden'

Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:17 pm
by bcddjjsc690
Knock , Knock ,

"who's there, Avon ?"...... no

"western union ?" ...... no

"candy gram ? "...... no

" land shark ?...... no - " going door to door "'

My what balls he has ...

Re: Really Dumb Criminals

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:01 pm
by Appaloosa
ok thats true but funny.......i was about 12 an was with about three other boys my we sank in the mud a little above the waist....we were tryin to cross under an overpass an sank in the mud as we were walking across it.......we started yelling when we sank past our knees.....we were probably too stupid to realize we had stared death in the face.....if it had been over six feet deep.....