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No real topic...

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:40 am
by BeenThere
Writing about what comes to mind...

What more is life then small amounts of joy,-
surrounded by sadness and struggle/
Why spend your precious time being quiet and humble?/
Cause this world is nothing but a jungle,-
Either fight for your place in the chain or die muffled/
Speak more freely,-
We are given the right, so use it/
If you are offended, Hey, you wont get bruises/
-Contusions, or any scrapes or cuts/
Life goes on, it wont stop if you dont feel loved/
Speak what you feel, and speak of what you see/
You should never take less of life rather than what it should be..

Think of others who are in a state worse then yours/
Those with terrible sickness; Those who are poor/
Children who are forced to fight in continuous wars-
Those who dont stay in an apartment, but sleep on the building floors/
No one is perfect, no one DOESNT have pain/
Fuck what others think, move on and gain strength/
Live life to what it should be, glorious and beautiful..
There isn't much time until your body loses its soul....
Those who influence, forever stay imortal/
Continuously in our thoughts, would do anything for you/
Those who provide hapiness give apart of themselves/
So give back appreciation, no matter the amount, it helps/
Live life to its fullest, cause you aint gettin' any younger/
Cant keep up with the rhythm? Then dont blame the drummer/
Do what you need to get ahead, you cant dwell in the past/
Time ticks by so fast-
Just live life like your next breath is your last...

yawn.. b.b