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Southern Progress Magazine

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:50 pm
by Jennifer
OK-if you think my recipe was a little dicey(LOL)-then did you hear about the one that was on the national news?This quaint, all about southern- hospitality magazine, printed a recipe in the APril issue for biscuits! Simple enough. Except that the shit EXPLODES!
No shit! One half cup shortening in 1 cup water and boil it for five minutes!WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! The shit blows up after three minutes and then catches fire-someone didn't do recipe testing nor did they remember-OIL AND WATER DON'T MIX-idiots-some people have actually been hurt and burned! WHen they tried it on the local news here-with a bunch of heemen fireman standing around -the shit exploded and they all ran for the hills!!lol Kinda like Richard's Cookies and Milk!lol WOW-they're recalling all the magazines now but just think of those lawsuits!! Whew! :lol: ]:o(