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Russell Simmons---you are great!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:14 pm
by Jennifer
iginal Message-----
From: ASPCA News Alert []
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 5:45 AM
Subject: Watch Russell Simmons in ASPCA PSA!/Get the Facts on Feral Cats

Welcome to ASPCA News Alert, the weekly newsletter of the American
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

1. Russell Simmons Takes a Stand Against Animal Abuse
2. ASPCA Success Story of the Week: Baby New Year
3. Ice Rescue Training: Animals & People, March 4-6
4. Now Available: Trap-Neuter-Release Handbook and Video
5. New Arizona Legislation Cracks Down on Dog Fighting

Hip-hop megamogul, entrepreneur, political activist and animal lover
Russell Simmons has joined the ASPCA in launching a national campaign
to help crack down on animal abuse and neglect.

"There is nothing cool about being cruel to animals," says
Simmons, who is featured in the television PSA and print campaign.
"They have no choice and no voice. Animal cruelty happens every
day in America, and people just sit by and do nothing."

Simmons and the ASPCA are urging citizens to be vigilant for animal
abuse in their neighborhoods, and visit to learn what
constitutes cruelty and where to report it in their area.

To preview the PSA and join Simmons in fighting animal cruelty, please
visit the ASPCA online. (P.S. Simmons's canine costar in
the PSA is seven-year-old Emi. Rescued in 1999 by an ASPCA humane law
enforcement agent, Emi was used as a "bait dog" in illegal
dog fights and, after undergoing surgery and rehabilitation at the
ASPCA, found his new home with an "A" employee.)

Re: Russell Simmons---you are great!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:26 pm
by bingolong
Yeah I saw this somewhere also!!It's good to see the hip-hop movement is doing its part too!! B-)

Re: Russell Simmons---you are great!

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:59 am
by Jennifer
Really! ):)