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lies, lies everywhere are lies

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:37 pm
by torndown
lies, lies, everywhere are lies
why isn’t our destiny being manifested?

apparently we have no heir apparent
the lies are perceived as truth
truth is in the mind of the beholder
we have no inclination for truth
no time for weeding out the lies
not enough motivation to uncover the treachery
so we are used by those who choose to abuse
the trust we have in our government
philosophically speaking our time is fleeting
yet we continue retreating into our comfort zones
no news is good news so we turn off the news
we’d rather ignore the corruption in disguise
but bombs are dropping under false pretense
young moms are selling themselves to pay the rent
what has become of us America?
where is the pride?
who is responsible?
Thomas Paine is spinning in his grave
he would take a musket to the heads of present-day policymakers
he would revolt against the brutish insensitivity
we wave our flags now and then
but a bumper sticker can’t free your mind
so what next America?
when do we overcome?
i‘m tired of asking questions
it’s time to be the change we wish to see

Re: lies, lies everywhere are lies

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:54 pm
by Jennifer

Re: lies, lies everywhere are lies

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:51 pm
by misterblahh
Here's a quicky:

I am caught in the flame ]:o(
But I never have any fame
Many do not know my name
Because my life is very tame
I always stay the same
I am caught in the flame ]:o(