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Rough past 2 days....My Bitty was attacked

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:30 pm
by juliatat
Ihave no idea what happened. The dogs that belong to the idiots 2 houses down come over sometimes. They have always been friendly and they ahve played with Bitty many times. Yesterday morning in our driveway, all 4 of them packed on her and ripped her up. She is badly bitten from head to toe and has a concusion from hitting her head on a rock. Her teeth pierced her tongue and it was stuck on a tooth... rushed her to the vets, of course.
I saw her mid day, she was scared and confused, and then late afternoon I went back to check on her and she had a seizure when me and Lisa took her out for a walk. Lisa called Doc on her mic. She was given meds and we got her back in. We got her relaxed and in her cage.
This morning I called and they sadi she was doing better and eating. I stopped by on my way to work and she heard me and was sitting up, ears out, eyes bright...looking like Bitty in the eyes. She's got shaved spots all over her, little bite marks, cuts, and bruised. We think the seizure was caused from the concussion. She will stay another night for rest observation, IV meds but she will be OK, I think.
Nothing I can do about the dogs though. No witnesses it happened in my drive, the idiots weren't home. THese are the most irresponsible idiots. They let these dogs wansder and roam, intact, making puppies. Really upsets me but at least my baby will be OK...

Re: Rough past 2 days....My Bitty was attacked

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:10 pm
by JTF

Ouch. Sorry to hear. (even though it was almost a relief to find out that your "Bitty" was your dog...) Get her better soon.

Re: Rough past 2 days....My Bitty was attacked

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:20 pm
by Jennifer
Prayers are with you all... :-x