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from joe henry

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:20 pm
by Jennifer

i actually had what seemed in retrospect to be a "visitation." on the eve of richard's passing, i was working late in a studio in the 9th ward, with elvis costello and allen toussaint. the ward was nearly deserted, and we were there because it was meaningful to allen that some of the money from the project go back into that community.

i don't know if you've ever met allen toussaint over the years, but late on that friday night, through the glass of a darkened vocal booth, at 68 years of age, he did not look at all unlike a healthy-but-ghostly image of richard...mustache and all; and i told him so.

allen just grinned back and nodded, his face seeming to float in the reflective darkness of the glass.

the next afternoon, i received word about richard, and well all sat silent. the fact that we'd been speaking of him in "ghostly" terms only the night before seemed perfectly reasonable, there in the spooky wasteland that is currently the crescent city. i felt very sad, but at the same time felt very peaceful.

all the best,

Re: from joe henry

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:53 pm
by SweetLuchia

Thank you for posting this. Stories like these help reinforce my belief that there IS an afterlife! We may not be able to see it or fully understand it BUT it is real!

[Font size=6 face=t color=pink]I will see my father again & you will see Mr. Pryor again..there is NO doubt in my mind!![/font]

):) God Bless! :-x

Re: from joe henry

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:47 am
by Jennifer
SweetLuchia and Joe Henry!
I see my Richard everyday...his face is in my the very next space i step into everyday...he is on my shoulder, he is walking by my side...he is whispering in my ear...his arms are around me...he sleeps with darling is never far from me...always with me...