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why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:40 am
by tamra
Arab firm buys ports

and it shouldn't be that a request has to be made to the Senate to block the sale. WTF? so lemme get this straight: we go over to Iraq to fight terrorism to keep us safe, but sell ports which would allow ANYTHING to be passed right through it. :(

[Font size=2 face=v color=Green]Lawmakers urges White House to review Arab port takeover
Critics contend deal could affect national security

Thursday, February 16, 2006; Posted: 12:32 p.m. EST (17:32 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. lawmakers formally asked the Bush administration Thursday to reconsider its approval of a sale giving a company in the United Arab Emirates control over significant operations at six major American ports.

The lawmakers, including four senators and three House members, sharply criticized the UAE as inconsistent in its support of U.S. anti-terrorism efforts.

They also said the country was a key transfer point for shipments of nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea and Libya and was one of only three nations that had recognized the Taliban as Afghanistan's legitimate government.

"Outsourcing the operations of our largest ports to a country with a dubious record on terrorism is a homeland security and commerce accident waiting to happen," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York. "The administration needs to take another look at this deal."

The Bush administration defended its approval of the sale. A spokesman for the White House National Security Council, Frederick Jones, said Thursday that security implications of the deal were "rigorously reviewed."

The Associated Press reported Saturday that government-owned Dubai Ports World had won approval for the $6.8 billion deal from a secretive U.S. panel that considers security risks of foreign companies buying or investing in American industry.

Since then, a growing faction in Congress wants the White House to reconsider its approval of DP World's purchase of the London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which British shareholders approved Monday.

The British firm, the world's fourth-largest ports company, runs commercial operations at shipping terminals in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States reviewed the transaction and did not object. The committee, run by the Treasury Department, also includes officials from the departments of Defense, Justice, Commerce, State and Homeland Security.

Although it declined to comment on the committee's decision last week, the Treasury Department said Thursday the consensus of the panel's 12 members was that the sale did not present national security problems. The review included an assessment from U.S. intelligence agencies, the department said.

"Clearly no responsibility of government is more important than protecting the national security," the department said in a statement.

Critics have complained that control over port operations by DP World could endanger U.S. security. They cite the UAE's history as an operational and financial base for the hijackers who carried out the September 11, 2001, attacks against New York and Washington.

The lawmakers pressing the White House on Thursday included Sens. Schumer, Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey, and Chris Dodd, D-Connecticut, and Reps. Chris Shays, R-Connecticut, Vito Fossella, R-New York, and Mark Foley, R-Florida.

On Wednesday, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King, R-New York, said he spoke to senior White House officials, whom he declined to identify, and urged them to review the purchase. King said he believed the White House took the issue "very seriously and will look into it."

Treasury Secretary John Snow, asked during a budget hearing Wednesday about the committee's approval, said he was not permitted to discuss specific transactions the panel considers.[/font] ... index.html - White House to review Newark ports sale to Arab firm'

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:36 am
by tamra

lawsuit filed over port deal ... index.html - story details'

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:38 am
by tamra

I'm just waiting for the receipt of the sale to show up in Abramhoff, Delay, Frist, Rove or Cheney's pockets.

if they're getting $6.8 billion for the sale alone, imagine the long term profits for the elite few involved in the sale.

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:30 pm
by tamra

oh I trust Lindsay Graham as far as I can throw him. he could be the love child of Cheney-Dick and Tom Delay for all we know.

but it just occurred to me that America is severely changing. it's changing into something that many don't even recognize because they've never been there, or the last time they were in this situation they were migrating here for "democracy" and freedom.

some scary stuff

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:54 pm
by tamra

or it could be that you know some people can't live w/out chaos, and something will always go down so always be prepared. and some people have to go screwing up something for absolutely no reason at all or for their own reasons.

the thing for me is I'm part of the first generation in my family to have been born w/"civil and constitutional rights" (education, voting, job, etc). my elder ancestors ain't worried about wiretapping and other current "infringements". in fact, if they had a home after Katrina @.@ wiped out the one they've paid taxes on, it still wouldn't be a priority.

for many who've always had "rights", right now they're getting a dose of "not a damn thing you can do about it except live with it".

my ancestors have been through worse while paying taxes to the same government which denied them civil rights.

but at the same time, they don't sit down and do nothing, they either go around the situation, avoid further problems while working around it, or chose their battles and issues wisely.

and yeah just when really important stuff is about to go down, some dumb story comes on: like the Natalee Holoway situation. that story infuriates me on so many levels and does not need to be a top story along w/ports being sold and other more serious issues. but it keeps some folks fixated for advertisers I guess.

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:17 pm
by tamra

WOW!! this story is getting hotter and hotter. what tripped me out is where I found the story originally, and days before it became a hot issue on CNN: buried beneath fluff stories (Nick & Jessica, dog from airport missing, yaddi, yaddi, yaddi). just glad it was seen, even tho the title made my eyes go 8-o

but check out the comments from Anderson Cooper's blog ... -bush.html - port sale blog and comments -- from the people'

well I guess the REDs and Blues are uniting. :lol:

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:24 pm
by tamra

well, well, well.... I knew a receipt would fall out somewhere. well this may not be related but check this out:

UAE to get $265 Million spaceport... so I guess we're in regular business now with UAE. go figure! well, welcome to the United States of Arabia-America

[Font size=2 face=v color=Green]UAE to get $265 million spaceport

Monday, February 20, 2006; Posted: 11:11 a.m. EST (16:11 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A day after Space Adventures announced it was in a venture to develop rocket ships for suborbital flights, the company said Friday it plans to build a $265 million spaceport in the United Arab Emirates.

The commercial spaceport would be based in Ras Al-Khaimah near the southern end of the Persian Gulf, and the UAE government has made an initial investment of $30 million, the Arlington, Virginia-based company said in a statement.

The spaceport announcement comes on the heels of Space Adventures' new partnership with an investment firm founded by major sponsors of the Ansari X Prize to develop rocket ships for suborbital flights.

The agreement between Space Adventures and the Texas-based venture capital firm Prodea would help finance suborbital vehicles being designed and built by the Russian aerospace firm Myasishchev Design Bureau.

Space Adventures is best known for sending the first three space tourists to the orbiting international space station for a reported $20 million a person.

Space Adventures' jump into the infant suborbital flight industry comes at a time when several companies already are designing spaceships to take paying passengers on short trips up into space and then back to Earth without circling the globe.

Last December, British tycoon Richard Branson announced development of a $225 million spaceport in southern New Mexico, which will be the headquarters of Branson's Virgin Galactic space tourism company.

Virgin Galactic is contracting with Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites to develop a suborbital spaceship based on SpaceShipOne technology.

Flying out of Mojave, California, SpaceShipOne made history on June 21, 2004, as the first privately financed manned rocket to reach space, then made two more flights later that year to win the $10 million Ansari X Prize.[/font] ... index.html - ... index.html'

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:39 pm
by tamra
deepseas, I mailed you your Moon Glow Properties Deed just umm yesterday. no wait, I think I sent it fed ex. the keys are in the envelope as well.

don't know how you're gonna get to Venus. but I sent enough pics for you to find both the planet and the property. and even printed out directions for you from google. :lol:

but seriously, greed is always the downfall of anyone. only question is who will take the fall? I don't even want to think about that, because when the shit hits the fan, it never goes in the right direction. :(

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:15 am
by tamra
ok, now per CNN, Bush claims he didn't know about the port deal until the controversy made it to Congress. and the Coast Guard is responsible for laws regarding the ports. but is that supposed to make everyone feel safe?

because..... only a small percentage of cargo is CHECKED.

the deal will go through because of the amount of money those involved stand to gain. the port deal doesn't create a job boost, dayum sure not enough to replace jobs lost in the past 6 years.

and I can't think of one "pro" for this deal???

Re: why have security when we're selling key areas away

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:28 am
by tamra

I don't know about fear, because he who has nothing to lose fears nothing. it's everyone else that stands to lose.

but I wish all 12 agencies involved in the port deal would be listed publicly. and definitely Cheney-Dick would know since it involves money and has little to do w/humanity. @.@

oh and what I don't like is how there's enough time to come up w/reports and theories on what happened AFTER the fact. umm ever heard of pre-planning??

there wasn't a report in the world to explain 9/11 because that report required many years back to dwell into.