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What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:12 pm
by walrusjk
Mine was April fool's day a few years ago. I was the Department head at The Wrigley Mansion(Beverage). Well one of the Banquet Captians was on parole for a couple DUI convinctions and had to be totally clean and sober for a year or so and always bragged how he was getting away with partying anyway. So he's sitting at the computer in the office on April first and I calmly walk in and say "Hey Joe,there's a cop and I think your parol officer at the hostess stand asking about you." I turn around and walk away and 10 seconds later I'm ready to give it the "April fools!" but he had actually crawled out the window and was sprinting down the hill! I rushed over, stuck my head out the window and shouted at least five times "JOE! APRIL FOOLS!" He stopped, came back, shaking like a leaf and said..."Got me. That was a good one." I stopped laughing last Tuesday...

Re: What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:42 pm
by bingolong
You are wrong!!:lol: :lol:

I can't top that but....Most recently when I was editing one of my friends myspace pages I put this pic up from when he was a teenager with a bow-legged ex he was dating back then.......he still doesnt know I have it up yet!!

[img] ... 20copy.jpg[/img]

When he finds out I am dead...but hell you only live once ;p
[img] BLO copy.jpg[/img]

Re: What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:47 pm
by Anditsdeeptoo

I know every hack radio morning show has done this, but one I host I worked for almost got arrested for causing a public scare for going on the air and telling everyone not to drink the water because it contained dihydrogen monoxide (H2O). Hilarity ensued.

Re: What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:13 pm
by walrusjk
Oh man those are both funny. I have one that I had forgot until my best friend since the 5th grade remembers like it was yesterday and I can't get through this with out breaking up because it was soooo me...
Ok I moved to Canada (Waterloo Ontario) when I was 10. My instant pal on my street was and is my best friend. I got him to go to a "Wolf cub" meeting with me. It's the Canadian version of the boy scouts. I had one of those tensure bands. You know the ones you wrap around a sprained ankle or wrist, they're long and flexible,etc. Anyway on the walk over to the meeting at our school's gymn and a packed one at that I say to him ..."Hey Dave. You know what would be a funny joke? If you wrapped this tensure band around your head and tell everyone you were in a car crash and was tough enough to make this meeting." He says.."Well why don't you do it?" Anyway I convinced him he was the guy. So he goes with it wrapped around his head with the story and at the end of the meeting as we're closing things out the Cub Master guy goes..."And lets give a big wolf cub round of applause for Dave who toughed it out and made this meeting!" Dave was horrified and when he was clear of everyone snatched that thing off his head and was pissed at me. So he goes to school the next day and some kid from the meeting see's it was a fake, throws out his arm, points his finger, throws back his head and goes..."You fucking liar!" Dave didn't make any other meetings....

Re: What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:58 pm
by smjmcomic

I use to wipe off on my ex's dads pillow every chance I got. I don't know if it counts as a practical joke but at the time it felt right.
In my defence I was pretty young I don't wipe off on peoples pillows anymore.
I was pure evil in my high school days.

Re: What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:15 am
by Murphdogg
smjmcomic, my friend used to have to roll his head on his pillow to fall asleep, put baby powder in it..okay you had to be there for that one..

here's one I'm thinking about playing on my friend..I think I'll get his wife pregnant and then wait till the kids 18 bday and pull a Chappel "you got zapped!!Oh snap son!!"..of course everyone will be in on the joke accept him. it will be good times.

Re: What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:04 pm
by walrusjk
When you say "Wipe off" I sure hope you don't mean #2 or even#1. Hey if was after a shower you probably got the worst of that. "I think I'll take my clean, wet body and rub this scanky, oily, drooled upon pillow all over it." Next time she laid her head on it she probably sniffed and said..."This smells minty fresh!"

Re: What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:07 pm
by smjmcomic

smjmcomic + jerks pillow =cum rag

don't put down your daughters boyfriend at family gatherings or you might end up sleeping on his load.

Re: What's the best practical joke you ever played?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:08 pm
by walrusjk
Oh...Ok...I get it. Sorry I got it but I got it. Hey look I have step kids and even though I've given, money, time, life style changes but at some point they turn hard on you. It's normal. The resentment of the parent who they might feel abandoned them gets transfered to the step (me). At least that's what happened to me. I think I've been sweet and patient always, without exception, but I had to take it in the nuts for extented periods. I still love them and always will and I'm proud I went out of my way for them and hunged in there. I just can't wait until they get that.. "Sorry I wasn't nice to you" feeling and I get my buddies back. Step parent can never be anything but a friend. Oh ya I get to tease them about it. When you are a good guy and you know it and when you're troubled teenager you know it..Unfortunately not until your late 20's.