Illegal Pryor Distribution

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Re: Illegal Pryor Distribution

by Jennifer » Tue Mar 09, 2004 4:52 pm

Gareth,and Luchia:
You both rock and are right! And funny and thank you and tons of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jenny and richard

Re: Illegal Pryor Distribution

by Gareth » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:49 pm


haha, wicked. i mean.. if anyone here is just itchin to download some free shit, go get some britney spears. and quick... before she buys more boobs.



Re: Illegal Pryor Distribution

by SweetLuchia » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:43 pm


I agree with you 110% Whether or not Mr. Pryor needs the money is completely irrelevant. It's HIS mind, HIS heart & HIS SOUL that created HIS prolific body of work.

He should ALWAYS be paid for it. Besides he's already bared his soul to us on stage. He shouldn't be expected to give away anything else ]:o(

Re: Illegal Pryor Distribution

by Gareth » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:20 pm


i dont think its always a matter if someone needs the money or not. when you work your whole life, you are entitiled to the fruits of your labor... even if mr. pryor doesnt need the money to get by, should he not have it to enjoy? or even have it to redistribute to various causes he feels to be just, or feels strongly about? ie: animal rights, and so forth.

i think he deserves every dime and more. the man has brought laughter to the world, and helped a lot of people out.

if you worked your whole life at a craft, would you fell satisfied just knowing that people enjoyed it?

i mean... a prostitute doesnt feel happy that her coochy reaches more people for free... even if she is already a rich hooker, or one who doesnt NEED the money. hell no she dont... hoes gotta get paid!


Illegal Pryor Distribution

by garfy1974 » Tue Mar 09, 2004 11:35 am

Where do you all stand on the distribution of the great mans work on the net?

Great that it's reaching a wider audience but for free?

However, does he really need the money? (Hypothetical question here - don't skin me alive!!!)
