From John Edwards: Rebuilding New Orleans

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From John Edwards: Rebuilding New Orleans

Post by tamra »

here's someone primarily focusing on THIS country.

Dear Friend,

I'm inviting you to join me in New Orleans this spring to help rebuild the Gulf Coast, home by home. This is your chance to be part of not only the largest rebuilding effort in our history, but also of a movement that will change this country. I can't guarantee much, but I can guarantee that if you come with me to the Gulf Coast, lives will be changed: the lives of the citizens of the Gulf Coast.

And your life. Forever.

I am inviting you and students from all over the country to join me in New Orleans from March 15th to 19th. Together, we will be working with the New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity, repairing and rebuilding homes. -'

I am pleased to announce that Opportunity Rocks and New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity will provide all food, housing, and local transportation. You can live and eat and work with other young people from across the country who believe -- as you do -- that one person can make a difference.

I visited Baton Rouge last week to speak at a service sponsored by the Baton Rouge NAACP to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. While I was there, I was reminded not only of Dr. King's tireless work to lift those less fortunate out of poverty, but also of his belief that the actions of one person can make a difference. This is your chance to be that person.

I am asking you to work tirelessly this spring break for the people of New Orleans and across the Gulf Coast. When I traveled to New Orleans last week, I saw the damage that can occur when a natural disaster teams with governmental neglect to wipe out the lives, the livelihoods, and the homes of our neighbors, particularly our poorest neighbors. Words alone cannot tell the whole story of the devastation I witnessed. It has been five months since Hurricane Katrina; however shattered homes still fill the streets, and it's impossible to ignore the pieces of shattered lives and dreams of New Orleans residents who cannot return home. There is so much that must be done and so much that we can all do.

Volunteers are cleaning up and rebuilding the area but there is more to be done. I believe that together, you and I can join these efforts and undergo a truly life changing experience -- we can gain strength through helping the people of New Orleans.

If you want to change lives, including your own . . .

If you want to meet and work beside young people from across the country who feel the same way . . .

If you want to be part of a movement that will change this country . . .

Join me in an alternative Spring Break this year. Join in Opportunity Rocks 2006: Rebuilding the Gulf Coast. -'

Dr. King's vision, steeped in his faith and his relentless sense of justice for all Americans, lives on. It took college students to Mississippi and Alabama and Louisiana a generation ago. But it didn't die then -- I saw that same passion in college students all over this country when I traveled to campuses on the Opportunity Rocks College Tour last fall. And I will see it again this March.

You should be a part of this.

I encourage you to join me in building on the legacy of Dr. King. He went where Americans needed him most. In these difficult times for people in the Gulf Coast, no community is more in need than the victims of Hurricane Katrina. You can make a difference this Spring Break. By sacrificing a few days of your time with fellow students and me, you can help rebuild one of America's great cities. It's an experience you will never forget.

I'm excited to see you down there in March.

Your friend,



Paid for and authorized by Opportunity Rocks, 1001 G Street NW, Suite 400 West A, Washington DC 20001 -'
huh? what? who? damn, I'm always the last to know.
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