yes massa....

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yes massa....

Post by tamra »

well dang, how come yall ain't talking about the plantation comment from Sen. Hillary Clinton.

that's some wild stuff. and I don't think Hillary will back down from her statements. ... index.html - we happy, boss?'
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Re: yes massa....

Post by robfharris »

I agree with her comment. The people who should be upset about it are the last two Secretaries of State. Powell and Rice have had to play the "role" for the Bush administration. If you look at the majority of Republicans that are black, they seem to have a mentality that the government should have no role in reversing decades of decay and damage in poor black communities and that blacks should just fall in line with the way Republicans want it to be.
I knew what Hillary was talking about, she held back because she couldn't make the true statement. The Republican party has a bunch of "House Niggas". Just like on a plantation, the house nigga had it pretty good so he could care less about what other slaves were going through and will defend his master with every once of his being.
I plan on still being in Chicago in 2008, so I can vote for Sen. Clinton twice!!! That's how you do it "Crook County", Illinois.
Now that Johnnie's gone, I guess I should start being nice to the cops.
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Re: yes massa....

Post by tamra »


lawd if she had said House Niggas, there would have been the first lynching in a long time on the white house lawn. only mystery would be who?

this is crazy and sad, sad because adults who should know better are involved, sad because money which could be better used is involved, and really sad that Hillary would have to say something like that to make people open their eyes.

but shocking to hear the response from Dennis Hastert regarding taking offense because he's never run a plantation before. 8-o what the h-e-double-hockey sticks does he mean by that?! is that another hidden insult?
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Re: yes massa....

Post by tis2flyyy »

Hey girl, I replyed to this earlier, but I do not kmow what happened to the post....
maybe what I said was too far out there...I do not know....

But what I said was...
I do not give a rat's azz about what that MAN looking, woman-crackerazzcracker has to say - or that other fool either - the one that made the plantation remark.

For all I care, they can eat a fat figure it out.

When I was young, my Dad told me, don't let the N word or any referenceing to slavery MESS you up in the head, having you all upset and shit. I said "Why, Daddy - that shit does make me mad!" To which he replied:
#1) You did not come over here on a boat, you came on a plane. I as borm in AFRICA (Sudan) my family moved to the US when I was 18 mths old. & THEY did not sell their people into slavery - they FOUGHT the white man...& were all killed for doing so. My Dad is the only living person in his family - other than us - his children. Now, tell me, ain;t that some sad shit?

#2) Just because Jed & Billy Bob was out sitting on the shack porch one night, dreaming up a really insulting name for the "darkies" and they came up with the word "nigger" does not mean that shit applies to you. Since Webster, another crackerazzcracker, actually PUT the word in his dictionary - does not meean it defines you!. It is defined as an ignorant MF - which Jed and Billy Bob were....

& So is Hilary Clinton and that other fool - that made the plantation remark.

If I had been a slave, I would NOT have lived too long - I would have been hung as soon as I had learned how to talk. For being a slave gone array. I woiuld have been like : F that Sheeiiittt, I an;t picking no cotton, squatting ato have a baby and get right back to picking cotton again"! And as SOON as massa came to my quaters to try to rape me and produce an octorron or quadrron mulato child, I would have cut his thang off, with my bare as teeth. Now call me an animal, bee-yotch!!!

& Thank the good LORD for anger Mgmt counseling - because I can not tell you how many crackerazzcrackers I would have smoked now in my 35 years. That is why I can NEVER move back home to Maryland (D.C)...them crackers are blantant with their disrespect - If I lived there right now...I probably would turn into the next DC sniper.....& that is real.

I would be like: Soooooo, You want to talk about plantations and yessa massa????? Ok, well, BLAM, BLAM, BLAM bust that, homegirl and homeboy! Then it would be two funerals and I would be...locked up and they won't let me out!!!

Big T

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Re: yes massa....

Post by tamra »


well given these are lawmakers involved, everyone should be concerned on so many levels.

turning the other cheek in this case only means the road is clear to do more harm. wake up tomorrow and you just may be on a plantation. b.b
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Re: yes massa....

Post by tamra »


Hillary is definitely hands-on involved in foreign affairs and did speak out to support the attack on Sadaam/Iraq (he harbors terrorists)

but Hillary and Bush good friends? 8-o that is news to me. I can't even picture it. neither seems like the type the other would associate with.

but again the most shocking part to me was the response by Hastert. the most common sense thing to do was NOT respond. not make some sarcastic insulting like comment back. it just reminded me of one of those good ol boy southern redneck comments "why I'm not a klansman, I would never wear a sheet"
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Re: yes massa....

Post by tis2flyyy »

Girl, ain't nobody about to be on no plantation. I do not know about the minorities out your way, but out here, they ain't having that shit.

Holding high office don't mean jack. GOD has the highest office and THAT is who I put my faith, hope and fears in. Ain't no crackerazzcraker commets gonna make me or break me.

Tell that hooker - I bet you TEN $, say that shit to welfare sussie's face. & see if she don't get dealt with....whether she running for president or not.

& that is real.
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Re: yes massa....

Post by tamra »


wow learn something new everyday. it's like hearing Britney Spears and 50 Cents are hanging out. weird and strange.
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Re: yes massa....

Post by tamra »


check this out

[Font size=2 face=a color=Blue]Obama Backs Clinton's Criticism of GOP
Source: Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Sen. Barack Obama and other black Democrats are defending Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's description of the House of Representatives as a "plantation." First lady Laura Bush says Clinton's remark was "ridiculous."

Clinton, D-N.Y., a potential presidential candidate for 2008, did not retreat from the "plantation" remark, telling reporters the term accurately describes the "top-down" way the GOP runs Congress.

Obama said Wednesday he felt her choice of words referred to a "consolidation of power" in Washington that squeezes out the voters.

The Illinois senator told CNN's "American Morning" he believed that Clinton was merely expressing concern that special interests play such a large role in writing legislation that "the ordinary voter and even members of Congress who aren't in the majority party don't have much input."

"There's been a consolidation of power by the Republican Congress and this White House in
which, if you are the ordinary voter, you don't have access," Obama said. "That should be a source of concern for all of us."

New York Rep. Gregory Meeks also defended Clinton.

"There was no race card played here. If any card was played here it was a joker, because that's who seems to be running the House right now if you look at the leadership," said Meeks, a black Democrat.

First lady Laura Bush, en route home from a visit to West Africa, criticized Clinton.

"It think it's ridiculous - it's a ridiculous comment," Mrs. Bush told reporters when asked about the senator's remark.

Obama, D-Ill., told ABC's "Good Morning America" that under GOP control in Washington, "what one has seen is the further concentration of power around a very narrow agenda that advantages the most powerful."

Obama also said New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was correct to apologize for suggesting that the hurricane-ravaged city would be majority black again because "it's the way God wants it to be."

"If I'm the mayor of New Orleans, I want everybody to come back," said Obama, the Senate's only black member.

Clinton, who is seeking re-election this year, said during a Martin Luther King Day event in Harlem this week that the House "has been run like a plantation," in that "nobody with a contrary view has had a chance to present legislation, to make an argument, to be heard."

Clinton appeared briefly in Washington Wednesday at a Democratic event, but quickly slipped out a back door far from reporters. On Tuesday night, she adamantly stood by the comments, saying "top-down" decision-making by GOP congressional leaders was bad for the country.[/font]
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Re: yes massa....

Post by tamra »


well on my plantation, we's ain't happy! :lol: going hang w/the field niggas in a minute.
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