What's your fav. joke?

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What's your fav. joke?

Post by JTF »

I'm going to start this with one of my favorites. I'm not putting one of Richard's up here cuz he heard them all...

By Redd Foxx: (forgive my shitty paraphrazing)

Back during the war there was this guy who worked in the factory as a guard. One day this guy comes out the factory with a wheelbarrow full of sawdust. The gusrd figures that this guy's not too slick, hiding something in the sawdust. He checks, and there's nothing in the wheelbarrow but sawdust. He lets the guy go. The next day the guy comes thru again, with another wheelbarrow full of sawdust. He checks it again, figuring that the previous day was just a setup, and now he thought he could get by. Again, there was nothing but sawdust. This continued on over the next few years until the war ended. Nothing but a wheelbarrow full of sawdust.

One day, years after the war, the guard recognizes the guy in a bar. He says: "Hey man! I remember you! You were the man that worked in the factory back during the war who always used to bring a wheelbarrow full of sawdust at the end of the day. Now, the war's over and a lot of years have passed, but one thing that's always troubled me was that I knew you was stealin' something, but I never could figure it out. It really don't metter no more, could you just tell me what it was you were sneakin' past me?" The man replied "Wheelbarrows!"
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Re: What's your fav. joke?

Post by bingolong »

Since we are talking Redd Foxx here's a good one:
Two guys were out in the woods hunting and one of them got bit by a poisonous snake on his very "private" part!
So his buddy has to run to the doctor in town for help.He runs in the woods,over a river thru the glen past the street into town!Once he gets to the doctor he is told: "you must suck the poison out in order to save your friends life!!!"
So buddy runs down the street, thru the glen over the river and in the woods to find his friend suffering badly from his snakebite.
The dieing friend asks:"What did the doctor say?"
buddy: "[/i]doctor says you are going to die[/i]"!!! :lol:

this is parphrased and sounds much better with Redd's inflections so bear with me:(
I went to Zimbabwe. I know how white people feel in America now; relaxed! Cause when I heard the police car I knew they weren't coming after me! 
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Re: What's your fav. joke?

Post by NickFlanagan »

I've heard that one! It always cracks me up. I'll try to think of one ASAP!
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