What is this place??

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What is this place??

Post by Momof5 »

The country that our Forefathers created that was supposed to be free..A country that had trasformed through stupidy to almost represent the words of the constitution. A place now where freedom is only as deep as your pockets and your friends. Where democracy is now and dog and pony show. Where the convicted have more rights then the law abiding. Where we are no longer safe outside our door. Laws have become more of a reason to make jokes then to secure our lands. Where our President is such a joke that no matter what he does there is a punchline. Spy on your own people, lie to them saying its for the safety of our country. Complain that there isn't enough forces to protect our borders. The people who have harmed our country were here legally, Nothing to be concerned about and look at us now. Anyone still cringe when there is a plane overhead? I do..
More people have died trying to complete a mission that is only in the presidents head.9/11 was a horrific event. But we have killed more americans and foreigners than we had originally lost. Its a mission we cannot complete for the people of Iraq are unwilling or incapable to do it for themselves. We are the reason we are in this mess. We tought them how to hurt us.. We(the U.S.) trained Osama and his men. We(U.S.) armed them. This is our Country.. We (U.S.) are protecting it by keeping our friends close and our enemies Closer. Here take our ports. Are you kidding??
Not near enough time has passed for me to trust you Arab Emirates. I am sorry. Its not your fault and its not mine. Its just is. I know the faults of port control. 1 out of every 200 and something containers searched. That doesn't make me feel safe at all.
Bush you need Fucking replace that fucking heart and brain you have. I have seem more compassion come out of a baboon. I hope that you are portrayed in the history books exactly as the world sees you. It won't hide our shame, but it will be a very important lesson. One I hope This great country will never repeat.

This may not make sense, but this is how I feel. God bless the 1st Amendment.
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Re: What is this place??

Post by Momof5 »

Thanks for the info and the links, That what some funny shit on the message boards.. Who knew that no matter what party you affiliate with, The only position that matters on Capital Hill is bent over with someones dick up your ass. either because you like it or feel its necessary. Metaphorically speaking of course. Nothing much we can do. I have no faith in the election system, I have no faith in debates. There is no weight in Bush's Speaches. He's full of emptiness. why does the white house need a 5 star fucking cheff anyway. Laura such a goody goody.. Cook for ya own damn selves. My kids could have used notebooks but no the white house needed like 11 fucking Christmas trees. Cut medicare? Bush fucking gets his checkup and cheney's hopspital visits on our backs. Isn't that fucking medicare?
Bush doesn't know a hard earned dollar. He's had dollars wipin his ass since he was in diapers. He doesn't have a freakin clue what sufferin is. He's just a spoiled child with no direction. And everyone else is the Nanny just doin their job and trying to clean up the messes. Why don't they stop worrying about outer space, which would just be something else to destroy and learn to pick his country off the ground. Sorry for all the F's I just want to pee on him and put the damn fire out already.
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Re: What is this place??

Post by Momof5 »


Yeah the dumb blonde routine that we get from him is pretty damn old. No offense to the blonde folks. Love ya I really do.
But damn. He's a big fucking dribbling idiot. how can someone clap for that? the damn republicans need to get their ass out of the chapel and really find some jesus. Allowing this shit to go on ought to be a stright ticket to hell.
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Re: What is this place??

Post by Momof5 »


If feel for all those who are overseas because of this cause. It has be hard to choose death and dismemberment over death and dismemberment. I wonder what they are thinking, if they have heard about this port deal. I can picture them scratching their heads... I pray for them. But I think God has his hands full.

As for Bush, Can't he at least go bald or something?? Why does it seem all the bad shit happens to the good folks. I would love for him to shit himself during a speach. Then at least one of his holes would be speakin the truth...
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Re: What is this place??

Post by Momof5 »


Amen to that..

Had me a little Gin. Got it all off my chest. Ready to smile again.

I remember going around my house as a kids and sayin U ASS. ya know like in the TOY and getting my butt beat. But its funny ya know?
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Re: What is this place??

Post by tamra »


what's strange is about 60 million-plus people feel the same way. and even sadder is not much can be done.

I just caught the tail end of senators complaining about not having any say in the port matter. well, now they're catching a wind of how we feel about other things we haven't had a say in.

maybe this port deal may make people wake up and realize what's really in charge, not who: greed, severe, ridiculous greed. you can only have for so long before the have nots get way beyond pissed!

and I have to wonder where God is in all of this. greed is not a god-like quality. covering up stuff is not a god-like quality. not being forth-coming is not a god-like quality.

but I guess it's up to everyone to make their own future at this point. if they can... *sigh*
huh? what? who? damn, I'm always the last to know.
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Re: What is this place??

Post by Momof5 »


Ya see.. The US is Eden, the Capital is the "tree" and most of the people in the tree are satan in a polyester suit.
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