How did Richard come opp with all his material?

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How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by danithag »

It,s just amazing. It aint enough to just be funny, you have to be a exellent writer to be a good stand up comedian.
He has such a great instinct when it comes down to what will make people laugh. How did he got all those ideas. And how did he get to be such a great imitator. I doubt it's just talent. He must have practiced a lot.
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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by smjmcomic »


I have just a one word answer for you

"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all"

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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by NickFlanagan »


Yeah, it's amazing. Richard's standup work is ridiculous great, and there's so much of it. 'Genius' hits the mark. I also imagine his work ethic is a big part of it too. I was just thinking about this yesterday, about how Richard is like this inspiration to do comedy for me, and yet his sheer talents exhibited and mastery of the form make me feel like there's no point for hardly anybody to do comedy.
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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by JTF »


My guess is that he thought the shit up.
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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by billyb0y »

My thoughts are, that all the stuff that he talks about probably happened to him in one way or another...the good and the bad.
Maybe that's why he jokes about the bad stuff so he can look back and giggle about it.
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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by Jennifer »

It all came from his heart and his life.
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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by SweetLuchia »


Yeah Mrs. P is right.

If you read his autobiography [/i]Pryor Convictions and Other Life Sentences[/i], you'll see that he was literally surrounded by a plethor of characters at a VERY young age and he just soaked them in like a sponge and everytime he got up on stage, he'd reach back pull them out and make them as real to us as they were to him ):)

YOU have to read Mr. Pryor's book-it's a rite of passage for all comedians!

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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by smjmcomic »


I need to pick up a copy!
"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all"

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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by NickFlanagan »

Me too. I feel dumb not having read it. It sounds awesome.
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Re: How did Richard come opp with all his material?

Post by SweetLuchia »


Since we're on the topic of [/i]original [/i] material, I'm wondering if you and/or Mr. P could tell me whether or not there's any truth to Robin Williams always stealing his material?

Since I've started Stand Up, I've heard this rumor several times!! They say he stole so much that he actually got hit in the face for it at a comedy club somewhere in CA 8-O

Before you answer just let me say if there is any truth to this, I think it's b/c Robin is just plain LAZY!!@.@ It certainly isn't b/c he lacks talent!

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